About Life

Welcome to About Life!
Life was born on November 8, 2011. It was created as a forum for talking about life and life issues. The subject matter will change depending upon life, as "life happens" in unexpected ways. Your questions, comments, and expert knowledge in whatever area that might be for you is most graciously welcomed as part of our community's co-created process.

Our hope is that Life will become a primary forum for people to share life stories. If you are interested in the good and wonderful gifts that Life has to offer we hope you'll participate. We hope that you will gladly "give" to this community at whatever level you choose to do so; whether as a commentator or reader. For those of us who choose to make contributions we give of ourselves freely and ask for nothing in return. If there is anything we can do to support you in making your Life as meaningful as it can be, given all of the potential you have as a human being, we gladly do so because we believe that your greatest capacity fulfilled improves the collective good.

As a team of authors, we are each scholar-practitioners committed to walking our talk
so whatever we offer as part of this blog has been field tested in our own ways and supported in well-researched theory whenever that is appropriate. In our most simple description, we are a diverse community of authors seeking to contribute to the lives of others.

We encourage you to help us co-create this site with your comments and communications. If you have any Life lessons that you would like to share with us we encourage you to share them so that we can all learn from your Life experiences too! 

We do not discriminate for any reason other than to ensure the collective good is sustained. Your views are welcomed and encouraged. 
Thank you for stopping by to enjoy Life with us!
Pettis Perry, Founder

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