Pettis Principles

Pettis Principles is an organic list of principles to live by that grows with reflections about true Life experiences.

1. S/He who fails to listen to her/his own advice fails to benefit from her/his own great wisdom. 
2. If you are afraid to get your feet wet, then you can't go swimming.
3. Don’t stop at good. Go for great!
4. Nothing in Life is guaranteed  so why not step boldly into the next second.
5. Your destiny can turn on a dime, so make a nickel's worth of change and alter the next quarter mile.
6. All that glitters, ain't gold. All that's gold, don't glitter.
7. No matter how bad Life gets, it beats a blank!
8.  There can never be a meaningful action unless there is a decision to act meaningfully.
9. Follow your heart. Your heart knows the answer even when your mind doesn't. 
10. Be willing to take small steps and to exercise patience, but keep the forward movement. In this way, any journey can be completed given enough time.
11. You have to walk your path alone even when in the company of others.
12. Effective leadership in any situation depends upon clarity of communication.
13. Travel with confidence knowing that what is uncertain today about tomorrow, will be revealed when the appropriate time comes.
14. Be open to what comes your way and you will be surprised at what manifests as a result--it is part of the design.
15. NEVER stop asking questions!  
16. Live a Life with intention, and in the end, the intention will manifest itself. 
17. You can only become as good as the effort you put into Becoming.
18. Dedicate your Life to something or it will be dedicated to nothing.
19. Without people Life wouldn't be so funny.
20. Conflict arises out of difference. Growth arises out of conflict. 
21. Life is a process of always Becoming.
22. The wheels of progress turn slowly, but at least they do turn.
23. Sometimes the only thing to do is to change paths. 
24. There is no daily stuff with Life that gets in the way. Only Life itself teaching us how to live. 
25. Forgive yourself for being human.
26. It is through the individual acts that we take on a moment-to-moment basis that ultimately determine whether our dreams as children match our destinies at the end of Life.
27. Know and appreciate that you have been preparing for this very moment since you were conceived.
28. Anticipation engages preparation.
29. Search for the hope in hopeless, the possible in the impossible, and the worth the worthless.

30. Always have fun!


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